Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The Next Big Thing

Love or hate it, social media is here to stay; it’s not a FAD. It’s no longer the teenagers on it or a pass time for the college students that many associated social sites with, its now a multimillion dollar industry. The recent Facebook IPO is just an indication of the potential in this industry. It is a 21st century innovation that has completely revolutionized the business climate. Many of the companies especially in the developing world have not fully embraced nor integrated social media in their operations though they are gradually changing their attitudes. However I don’t fully blame them for this, the other big issue is lack of social media agencies around to assist organizations in handling social media issues.
The customers are the most important aspect for success of any business, the more an organization attracts customers and is able to satisfy them the higher the profitability-the simple business rule.
Below are some of the reasons as to why organizations should embrace social media to win more customers.
Here is how social media influences customers

             1. Social proof

Consumers are more and savvier about whom and where they purchase products from Statistics show that more and more consumers are searching online before purchasing. By having a social media presence that is engaging helps boost the confidence, reputation and trust of clients about your business

       2. Engage with its customers.

Customer engagement is a very crucial since this will help your company retain your existing customers and of course increase your brand credibility. Strong social media presence will give an organization increased engagement and interaction with customers. When organizations are able to have conversations with their customers, it automatically results to an increased level of credibility.
Do you have a favorite city? We want to hear from you! ::Fill in the blank:: My favorite city to travel to is ________!

Mercy Njue Ksm en nrb

    3. Access to customer’s feedback

This is because the feedback actually helps in improving your products based on what your customer’s require. Due to the fact that social media channels aid in making customer engagement possible, then customer feedback will always be available for the company to use as basis for improvement. With this, you can always expect customer reviews and feedback that can help you in making your products or services even better

    4. Discover your customers’  preferences

You will be able to act based on what they want. By knowing their preferences, it will be much easier for you to enhance all of your products and plan your marketing campaigns more effectively. Smart companies monitor social media conversations to better understand consumer preferences, unmet needs, satisfaction levels and opportunities to improve service delivery. This results in retaining a higher percentage of customers and lower costs to secure new customers, who are not being well served by your competitors.

Thank you for your company, it was a pleasure serving you tonight. We will be back from 5:00 AM. Have a good night!^WW

   5. Aids in customer care service

 Many businesses face the same questions time and time again when it comes to customer service. Use your social media outlets to answer those questions. You are not only able to highlight to your community that you are available but also get other people within the community to provide answers and support to new members who have perhaps experienced the same issues themselves.

Let us know: How would you like us to improve on our customer service?

Jack Martin U never have toilets, especially dev. hse & its 24hrs, we need to use then, its a public place for heavens sake!
Ma Stingo Lower ua prices kidogo :-) 
There are many more benefits brands gain by embracing social media,finally am inviting you all at the launch of  SocialPro clubs

The tremendous growth of social media in business and communication has necessitated us to conceptualize and spearhead the formation of social media clubs dubbed (SocialPro clubs) in universities across the country. These clubs will bring together different social media enthusiasts, speakers, bloggers, industry experts, digital agencies and organizations who have immensely contributed to the growth of social Media in Kenya. SocialPro clubs will also create a platform that will enhance product and consumer engagement through creativity and innovation. The core objective of these clubs is to teach, educate students, create awareness, and impart knowledge & skills on social media. These clubs in a nutshell will unlock the limitless possibilities and potential on social media.
Below please find features online we've gotten so far on SocialPro clubs to acquaint yourself with SocialPro clubs. To support this initiative in kind or in cash or be part of the team drop me an email through

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